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Osnabrück University
Institute of Environmental Systems Research
Barbarastr. 12
D-49076 Osnabrück
Room 66/E09
Phone: +49 541 969 3831
Fax: +49 541 969 2599
Dr. rer. nat. Fabian Thomas
Postdoc, Behavioral Economics for the Environment (BEE)
Lab manager, Laboratory for Economics Research (LaER.) at Westerberg, Osnabrück
When and why do people behave in environmentally friendly ways, and how can we foster these types of behaviours in a targeted manner? Much of my research addresses these questions in the context of agriculture. I am interested in the psychological, economic, social and institutional factors affecting environmentally relevant decisions of farmers and their implications for the design of effective agricultural policies. For this purpose, I mainly use the methods and concepts of experimental economics and behavioural economics.
With a training as a biologist and environmental systems scientist, I understand myself as an interdisciplinary scholar and try to increase the relevance of my research through inter- and transdisciplinary exchange. In my reserach, I therefore try to build bridges to social and environmental psychology, environmental and ecological economics, agroecology, rural sociology and agricultural policy, and in general to systems science and tranformation research.
A major concern of mine is the exchange with decision-makers, practitioners and stakeholders. I believe that without a two-way communication of science and scientific evidence, the potential for change all too often remains unused.
Since 2019 and together with my family, I live on a farm with horse husbandry.