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Forschungsgruppe Projekte in der Umweltsystemmodellierung
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Ricke, A., Kálai, T., Steinhoff, H.-J., Matthies, M. (2021): Interaction kinetics and accessibility of sulfadiazine in model clay-humic acid suspension: Electron spin resonance investigations with nitroxide label. Sci. Tot. Environ. 796:149042. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149042
Luks, A.-K., Zegarski, T., Nowak, K. M., Miltner, A., Kästner, M., Matthies, M., Schmidt, B., Schäffer, A. (2021): Fate of pendimethalin in soil and characterization of non-extractable residues (NER). Sci. Tot. Environ. 753:141870. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141870
Atwood, E., Falcieri, F. M, Piehl, S., Bochow, M., Matthies, M., Franke, J., Carniel, S., Sclavo, M., Laforsch, C., Siegert, F. (2019): Coastal accumulation of microplastic particles emitted from the Po river, Northern Italy: Comparing remote sensing and hydrodynamic modelling with in situ sampling collection. Marin. Pollut. Bull. 138, 561-574. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.11.045
Ricke, A., Bondarenko, E., Ur, G., Kálai, T., Hideg, K., Steinhoff, H.-J., Matthies, M. (2019): Interaction kinetics of sulfadiazine and N-acety-sulfadizine with soil humic acid: ESR Investigations with nitroxide spin labels. Appl. Magnet. Reson. 50, 171-185. DOI: 10.1007/s00723-2018-018-1082-2
Matthies, M. Beulke, S. (2017): Considerations of temperature in the context of the persistence classification in the EU. Environ. Sci. Europe 29:15. DOI: 10.1186/s12302-017-0113-1.
Matthies, M., Glinka, K., Theiling, M., Hideg, K., Steinhoff, H.-J. (2016): Kinetics of rapid covalent bond formation of aniline with humic acid: ESR investigations with nitroxide spin labels. Appl. Magnet. Reson. 47(6) 627-641. DOI: 10.1007/s00723-2016-0782-8.
Matthies, M., Solomon, K., Vighi, M., Gilman, A., Tarazona, J. V. (2016): The origin and evolution of assessment criteria for persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Environ. Sci.: Proc & Impacts 18,1114-1128. DOI: 10.1039/c6em00311g.
Vighi, M., Matthies, M., Solomon, K. (2016): Critical assessment of pendimethalin in terms of persistence, bioaccumulation, toxicity, and potential of long range transport. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health B 20, 1-21. DOI:10.1080/10937404.2016.1222320.
Schulz M., Krone R., Dederer G., Wätjen K., Matthies M. (2015): Comparative analysis of time series of marine litter surveyed on beaches and the seafloor in the southeastern North Sea. Marin. Environ. Res. 106, 61-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2015.03.005
Neumann D., Callies U., Matthies M. (2014): Marine litter ensemble transport simulations in the southern North Sea. Marin. Pollut. Bull. 86(1-2), 219-228. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.07.016.
Schulz M., Clemens T., Fleet D., Flegel I., Förster H., Gaus S., Grave C., Harder T., Hartwig E., Matthies M., Schrey E. (2014): Zur Müllbelastung der Nordsee – eine statistische Analyse von Langzeituntersuchungen an Stränden der Deutschen Nordseeküste. Der Mellumrat e.V. - Natur- und Umweltschutz 13(2), 7-11.
Schulz M., Matthies M. (2014): Artificial neural network for modelling time series of beach litter monitoring time series. Marin. Environ. Res. 98, 14-20.
Karimov B. K., Matthies M., Kamilov B. G. (2014): Unconventional water resources of agricultural origin and their re-utilization potential for development of desert land aquaculture in the Aral Sea Basin. In: The Global Water System in the Anthropocene. Springer:Heidelberg, p. 183-200.
Büttner O., Rode M., Schulz M. (2014): A new semi-quantitative tracer approach for the validation of a 2D sediment transport model. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40 (Suppl. 3), 8-18.
Schulz M., Neumann D., Fleet D. M., Matthies M. (2013): A multi-criteria evaluation system for marine litter pollution based on statistical analyses of OSPAR beach litter monitoring time series. Marin. Environ. Res. 92, 61-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.08.013.
Solomon K., Matthies M., Vighi M. (2013): Assessment of PBTs in the European Union: a critical assessment of the proposed evaluation scheme with reference to plant protection products. Environ. Sci. Europe 25:10. DOI: 10.1186/2190-4715-25-10.
Müller T., Rosendahl I., Focks A., Siemens J., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2013).: Short-term extractability of sulfadiazine after applications to soil. Environ. Pollut. 172, 180-185.
Zarfl C., Matthies M. (2013): PBT borderline chemicals under REACH. Environ. Sci. Europe 25:11. DOI:10.1186/2190-4715-25-11
Schulz M., Klasmeier J., Priegnitz J., Heller S., Meinecke S., Feibicke M. (2012): Effect of bed surface roughness on longitudinal dispersion in artificial open channels. Hydrological Processes 26:272-280. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8229.
Zarfl C., Hotopp I., Kehrein N., Matthies M. (2012): Identification of substances with potential for long-range transport as possible substances of very high concenr. Eniron. Sci. Pollut. Res. 19(8): 3152-3161.
Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2011): A quantum statistical approach to remediation effect of humic substances. Water, Air, and Soil Pollut. 221: 203-214.
Fries, E., Klasmeier, J., Gocht, T. (2011) Occurrence and distribution of benzothiazole in the Schwarzbach watershed (Germany). Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 13, 2838-2843.
Heuer H., Solehati Q., Zimmerling U., Kleineidam K., Schloter M., Müller T., Focks A., Thiele-Bruhn S., Smalla K. (2011): Accumulation of sulfonamide resistance genes in arable soils due to repeated application of manure containing sulfadiazine. Appl. Environ. Microb. 77(7), 2527-2530.
Zarfl C., Scheringer M., Matthies M. (2011): Screening criteria for long-range transport potential of organic substances in water. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 10075-10081.
Alder A.C., Schaffner C., Majewsky M., Klasmeier J., Fenner K. (2010): Fate of b-blocker human pharmaceuticals in surface water: Comparison of measured and simulated concentrations in the Glatt Valley Watershed, Switzerland. Water Res. 44, 936-948.
Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2010): Natural remediation of surface water systems contaminated with nuclear waste via humic substances in South Ural. Water, Air, and Soil Pollut. 206, 203-214.
Bach M., Letzel M., Kaul U., Forstner S., Metzner G., Klasmeier J., Reichenberger S., Frede H.-G. (2010): Measurement and modeling of bentazone concentration in the river Main (Germany) originating from point and non-point sources. Water Res. 44, 3725-3733.
Focks A., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2010): Mechanistic link between uptake of sulfonamides and bacteriostatic effect: Model development and application to experimental data from two soil microorganisms. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29(7), 1445-1452.
Zarfl C., Matthies M. (2010): Are marine plastic particles transport vectors for organic pollutants to the Arctic? Marin. Pollut. Bull. 60, 1810-1840.
Büttner O., Schulz M., Matthies M., Rode M.: Flood and pollutant dispersal simulation in urban areas. In: Conference proceedings of The International Conference "Science and Information Technologies for Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems" January 12-16 2009, Concepcion, Chile, ISBN: 978-981-08-2099-2 (CD-ROM).
de Kok J.-L., Kofalk S., Berlekamp J., Hahn B., Wind H. G. (2009): From design to application of a Decision-support System for Integrated River-basin Management. Water Resources Management, 23 (9), 1781-1811.
Hahn B. M., Kofalk S., de Kok J.-L., Berlekamp J., Evers M. (2009): Elbe-DSS: a planning support system for strategic river basin planning. In: Geertman S., Stillwell J. (eds.) Planning Support Systems: Proven methodologies and best practices. Springer.
Hüffmeyer N., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2009): Geo-referenced modeling of zinc concentrations in the Ruhr River basin (Germany) using the model GREAT-ER. Science of the Total Environment 407 (7), 2296-2305.
Lautenbach S., Berlekamp J., Graf N., Seppelt R., Matthies M. (2009): Application of the Elbe-DSS: Scenario Analysis and Management Options. Environmental Modelling & Software, 24, 26-43.
Matthies M., Klasmeier J., Beyer A., Ehling, C. (2009): Assessing persistence and long-range transport potential of current-use pesticides. Environ. Sci. Technol., 43 (24), 9223-9229.
Schauss K., Focks A., Heuer H., Kotzerke A., Schmitt H., Thiele-Bruhn S., Smalla K., Wilke B., Matthies M., Amelung W., Klasmeier J., Schloter M. (2009): Analysis, fate and effects of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in soil ecosystems. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 28 (5), 612-618.
Schauss K., Focks A., Leininger S., Kotzerke A., Heuer H., Thiele-Bruhn S., Sharma S., Wilke B.-M-, Matthies M., Smalla K., Munch J. C., Amelung W., Kaupenjohann M., Schloter M., Schleper C. (2009): Dynamics and functional relevance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in agricultural soils. Environmental Microbiology 11(2), 446-456.
Scheringer M., Jones K. C., Matthies M., Simonich S. M., van de Meent D. (2009): Multimedia partitioning, overall persistence, and long-range transport potential in the context of POPs and PBT assessments. Integr. Environ. Assess. Manag. 5, 557-576.
Schulz M., Büttner O., Böhme M., Baborowski M., Matthies M., von Tümpling W. (2009): A dynamic model to simulate arsenic, lead, and mercury contamination in the terrestrial environment during extreme fluvial high waters. CLEAN -Air, Water, Soil 37, 209-217.
Schulz M., Büttner O., Böhme M., Matthies M., von Tümpling W. (2009): A dynamic model to simulate spills of fuel and diesel oil in the terrestrial environment during extreme fluvial floods. CLEAN - Air, Water, Soil 37 (9), 735-741.
Wissing J., Hüffmeyer N., Berlekamp J., Klasmeier J. (2009): Georeferenzierte Expositions-modellierung von Metallen in Oberflächengewässern als Ergänzung zu Konzentrationsmessungen. In: Reinhardt W., Krüger A., Ehlers M. (Hrsg). Geoinformatik 2009, Konferenzband. Ifgiprints, Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Geoinformatik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Band 35, S. 65-70.
Zarfl C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2009): A conceptual model describing the fate of sulfadiazine and its metabolites observed in manure-amended soils. Chemosphere 77, 720-726.
Alexandrova O., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): Estimation of the influence of humic substances on radionuclide binding to solids in deposits of radioactive waste. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 194: 287-299.
Bester K., Hüffmeyer N., Schaub E., Klasmeier J. (2008): Surface water concentrations of the fragrance compound OTNE in Germany - A comparison between data from measurements and models. Chemosphere, 73 (8): 1366-1372.
Bester K., Klasmeier J., Kupper T. (2008): Emissions of OTNE (Iso-E-super). I. Mass flows in sewage treatment plants. Chemosphere, 71 (11): 2003-2010.
Fries E., Klasmeier J. (2008): Analysis of potassium formate in airport storm water runoff by headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A., 1216: 879-881.
Heuer H., Focks A., Lamshöft M., Smalla K., Matthies M., Spiteller M. (2008): Fate of sulfadiazine administered to pigs and its quantitative effect on the dynamics of bacterial resistance genes in manure and manured soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40, 1892-1900.
Matthies M., Witt J., Klasmeier J. (2008): Determination of soil biodegradation half-lives from simulation testing under aerobic conditions - a kinetic model approach. Environmental Pollution 156, 99-105.
Schulz M., Bischoff M. (2008): Variation in riverine phosporus between 1994 and 2003 as affected by land-use and loading reductions in six medium-sized to large German rivers. Limnologica 38, 126-138.
Schulz M., Bischoff M., Klasmeier J., Berlekamp J., Matthies M. (2008): An empirical regression model of soluble reactive phosphorus retention in pristine streams evaluating tracer experiments. Aquatic Sciences 70, 115-122.
Tappe W., Zarfl C., Kummer S., Burauel P., Vereecken H., Groeneweg J. (2008): Growth-inhibitory effects of sulfonamides at different pH: Susceptibility patterns of a soil bacterium and a test bacterium used for antibiotic assays. Chemosphere 72(5), 836-843.
Zarfl C., Matthies M., Klasmeier J. (2008): A mechanistical model for the uptake of sulfonamides by bacteria. Chemosphere 70, 753-760.
Berlekamp J., Graf N., Hess O., Lautenbach S., Reimer S., Matthies M. (2007): Integration of MONERIS and GREAT-ER in the Decision Support System for the German Elbe River Basin. Environmental Modelling & Software 22(2), 239-247.
Schulz M., Matthies M. (2007): Runoff of pesticides - achievements and limitations of modelling agrochemical dislocation from non-point sources at various scales. Living Reviews in Landscape Research 1, 1-28.
Schulz M., Büttner O., Matthies M., Böhme M., von Tümpling W. (2007): Modelling arsenic and oil contamination after high water events in the town and floodplain of Bitterfeld (Germany): In: Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (Eds.: Gómez J. M., Sonnenschein M., Müller M., Welsch H., Rautenstrauch C.), 367-376.
Klasmeier J., Matthies M., MacLeod M., Fenner K., Scheringer M., Stroebe M., Le Gall, A.-C., McKone T., van de Meent D., Wania F. (2006): Application of Multimedia Models for Screening Assessment of Long-Range Transport Potential and Overall Persistence. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(1), 53-60.
Matthies M., Berlekamp J., Lautenbach S., Graf N., Reimer S. (2006): System Analysis of Water Quality Management for the Elbe River Basin. Environmental Modelling & Software, 21(9), 1309-1318.
Matthies M., Klasmeier J., Hess O. (2006): GIS-basierte Modellierung von Gewässerimmissionen. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung - UWSF 18(2), 102-109.
Schlüter M., Rüger N., Savitsky A., Novikova N., Matthies M., Lieth H. (2006): TUGAI: An Integrated Simulation Tool for Ecological Assessment of Alternative Water Management Strategies in a Degraded River Delta. Environ. Management 38(4), 638-653.
Schulz M., Köhler J. (2006): A simple model on phosphorus retention by macrophytes in lowland rivers. Hydrobiologia 563, 521-525.
Zarfl, C., Klasmeier, J., Matthies, M. (2006): Modellierung von Arsen in der Mulde. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung. 50(4), 169-177.
Fenner K., Scheringer M., MacLeod M., Matthies M., McKone T.E., Stroebe M., Beyer A., Bonnell M., Le Gall A.-C., Klasmeier J., Mackay D., van de Meent D.W., Pennington D., Scharenberg B., Suzuki N., Wania F. (2005): Comparing Estimates of Persistence and Long-Range Transport Potential among Multimedia Models, Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(7), 1932-1942.
Lessmann K., Beyer A. Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2005): Influence of Distributional Shape of Substance Parameters on Exposure Model Output. Risk analysis 25(5), 1137-1146.
Rüger N., Schlüter M., Matthies M. (2005): A fuzzy habitat suitability index for Populus euphratica in the Northern Amurdaya delty. Ecological Modelling 184, 313-328.
Schulz M., Gücker B. (2005): Macrophytes increase spatial patchiness of fluvial sedimentary records and evoke transient particulate nutrient storage. Aquatic Geochemistry 11, 89-107.
Fischer A., Müller M., Klasmeier J. (2004): Determination of Henry's Law Constant for MTBE at Groundwater Temperatures. Chemosphere 54(6), 689-694.
Matthies M., Berding V., Beyer A. (2004): Probabilistic Uncertainty Analysis of the European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances Multimedia Regional Distribution Model. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 23(10), 2494-2502.
Matthies M. (2003): Exposure assessment of environmental organic chemicals at contaminated sites: a multicompartment modelling approach. Toxicology Letters 140-141, 367-377.
Matthies M., Beyer A. (2003): Role of vegetation on the overall persistence and long-range transport potential. Stoch. Environ. Res. Risk Assessm. 17(4), 252-255.
Matthies, M., Solomon, K., Vighi, M., Gilman, A., Tarazona, J. (2019): The origin and evolution of assessment criteria for PBT chemicals and POPs. 29th SETAC Europe Conference, Helsinki (Finland), 26. 05. 2019 (invited lecture).
Matthies, M. (2019): Interaction kinetics of sulfonamide pharmaceuticals with soil. Dept. Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, University of Pècs (Hungary), 28. 02. 2019 (invited lecture).
Matthies, M. (2018): Environmental Modelling for Chemical Exposure, Persistence and Long-Range Transport Assessment. OESA Senior Lecture, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, 04. 12. 2108 (invited lecture)
Matthies, M., Beulke, S. (2018): Persistenzkriterien für PBT Stoffe und POPs: Historische Entwicklung und Temperaturabhängigkeit. Tagung Umwelt 2018. 9.-12. September, Universität Münster. (eingeladener Vortrag)
Ricke, A., Bondareko, E., Ur, G., Kálai, T,, Hideg, K., Steinhoff, H.-J., Matthies, M. (2018): Interaction of sulfonamide with soil humic acid: ESR investigations with nitroxide spin labels. 28. SETAC Europe Annual Conference, 13.-17.5.2018, Rome (Italy) (poster)
Atwood, E., Falcieri, F.M., Piehl, S., Bochow, M., Matthies, M., Franke, J., Carniel, S., Sclavo, M., Laforsch, C. Siegert, F. (2018): Coastal accumulation mapping of microparticles emitted from the Po river, Italy: Integrating remote sensing, in situ sample collection and ocean current modelling. 28. SETAC Europe Annual Conference, 13.-15.5.2018, Rome (Italy) (poster)
Glinka, K., Matthies, M., Hideg, K., Steinhoff, H.-J. (2016): Kinetics of rapid colvalent bond formation of aniline with humic acid: ESR investigations with nitroxide spin probes. 26. SETAC Europe Annual Conference, 22.-26.5.2016, Nantes (France), ID TH016 (poster)
Matthies, M., Solomon, K., Vighi, M., Gilman, A., Tarazona, J., Beulke, S. (2016). The Origin and Evolution of Persistence Criteria for PBT chemicals and POPs. 26. SETAC Europe Annual Conference, 22.-26.5.2016, Nantes (France), ID 562 (platform)
Fenner, K., Honti, M., Junker, Th., Shrestha, P., Hahn, S., Matthies, M., Hennecke, D. 2016. Identifying limitations of the OECD water-sediment test (OECD 308) and developing suitable alternatives to assess persistence. 26. SETAC Europe Annual Conference, Nantes (France), 22.-26.5.2016, ID 478 (platform)
Matthies, M., Theiling, M., Hideg, K., Steinhoff, H. J. (2015). Kinetics of rapid covalent binding of aromatic amines to soil. 25. SETAC Europe Annual Conference, Barcelona (Spain) (platform)
Matthies, M., Solomon, K., Vighi, M., Gilman, A., Tarazona, J. (2015). Scientific rationale for the evolution of PBT and POP criteria and cut-off values in international regulatory tools. 25. SETAC Europe Annual Conference, Barcelona (Spain) (poster)
Matthies, M., Alexandrova, O., Klasmeier, J., Steinhoff, H. J. (2014). Interaction of amines with natural soil studied with nitroxyl spin probes. 24. SETAC Europe Annual Conference, Basel (Schweiz) (poster)
Matthies, M., Berlekamp. J., Walter, C., Meyer zu Holte, A.-C. (2012). Forum Wasser am Botanischen Garten - Machbarkeitsstudie. Institut für Umweltsystemforschung, Universität Osnabrück.
Solomon, K., Matthies, M., Vighi, M. (2012). Assessment of PBTs in the EU: A critical review and proposed evaluation scheme with reference to plant protection products. SETAC World Conference, Berlin (poster)
Hollert H., Filser J., Häußling R., Hein M., Matthies M., Oehlmann J., Ratte HT., Roß-Nickoll M., Schäffer A., Scheringer M., Schiwy A. (2011). Financial Research Support for Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry in Germany - Results of an Online Survey. Environmental Sciences Europe, 23:24 doi:10.1186/2190-4715-23-24
Matthies M. (2011). Handbook of Chemical Mass Transport in the Environment (book review). Toxicological and Environ Chemistry (im Druck).
Zarfl C., Fleet D., Fries E., Galgani F., Gerdts G., Hanke G., Matthies M. (2011): Microplastics in oceans. Mar. Pollut. Bull., doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.02.040, im Druck.
Ehling C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2010): ETAPOS – Ein Spreadsheet zur Identifizierung und Bewertung von PBT- und vPvB-Chemikalien. In: Wittmann J., Maretis D.K.(Hrsg). Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften. Shaker Verlag, Berichte aus der Umweltinformatik, S. 129-140.
Klasmeier J., Berlekamp J., Hüffmeyer N., Matthies M. (2010): Integration von GIS und Modellierung zur georeferenzierten Simulation von Schwermetallen in Gewässern. In: Wittmann J., Maretis D.K.(Hrsg). Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften. Shaker Verlag, Berichte aus der Umweltinformatik, S. 141-153.
Zarfl, C., Scheringer, M., Matthies, M. (2010): Ferntransport organischer Substanzen im Wasser. Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, im Druck.
Hahn B. M., Kofalk S., de Kok J.-L., Berlekamp J., Evers M. (2009): Elbe-DSS: a planning support system for strategic river basin planning. In: Geertman S., Stillwell J. (eds.) Planning Support Systems: Proven methodologies and best practices. Springer.
Schaeffer A., Hollert H., Ratte H. T., Roß-Nickoll M., Filser J., Matthies M., Oehlmann J., Scheringer M., Schulz R., Seitz A. (2009): An indispensable asset at risk: merits and needs of chemicals-related environmental sciences. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 16, 410-413.
Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): Protective function of humic acids in radioactively contaminated open water systems in South Ural. Proceedings of the 5th international scientific-practical conference "Heavy metals and radionuclides in the environment", 15-18 Oktober 2008, Semey Kazakhstan, 3, 111-120.
Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): Remediation effect of humic acids in nuclear waste deposits. Proceedings of the 2nd EUCHEMS Chemistry Congress, September 16-20, 2008, Torino, Italy.
Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): Mediating action of humic acidsin radioactively contaminated water reservoirs. Proceedings of the 2nd EUCHEMS Chemistry Congress, September 16-20, 2008, Torino, Italy.
Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): Modelling of Strontium-90 partitioning in the radioactive waste deposit Old swamp (in Russian). Proceedings of the 1st Ural International Ecological congress "Ecological Safety of mining Regions", 12 - 14 October, 2007, Ekaterinburg, 39-43.
Alexandrova O. N., Schulz M., Matthies M. (2008): The Properties of humic substances relevant to the saftey of nuclear waste disposal. Proceedings of The second Saint-Petersburg International Ecological Forum 'Environment and human health', 1. - 4.07.08. Congress 'Problems of Radiation Ecology and Human Safety' (N.285), 26.
Klasmeier J., Hüffmeyer N. (2008): Georeferenzierte Modellierung von Zink in Gewässern. (Geo-referenced Modelling of Zinc in surface waters.) wlb - Wasser, Luft und Boden 2008/1-2, 16-18.
Schulz M., Büttner O., Matthies M., Böhme M., von Tümpling W. (2007): Modellierung der Schadstoffausbreitung bei Extremhochwasser im Raum Bitterfeld. (Modelling pollutant dispersal by extreme flood events in the region of Bitterfeld): Proceedings of the Conference of the German Limnological Society (DGL) 2006 in Dresden, 177-181.
Schulz M., Büttner O., Matthies M., Böhme M., von Tümpling W. (2007): Modellierung der Schadstoffausbreitung im Raum Bitterfeld bei Extremhochwasser. (Modelling pollutant dispersal by extreme flood events in the region of Bitterfeld) Mitt. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 13(2), 31-33.
Matthies M., Berlekamp J., Lautenbach S., Graf N. (2006): Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem für das Gewässergütemangement der Elbe – Konzept und Systemgestaltung. In: Perspektiven der Ingenieurökologie in Forschung, Ausbildung und Praxis (Eds. Filho W. L., Lüderitz V., Geller G.), Verlag Peter Lang, Frankfurt/M., 95-111.
Matthies M., Ostendorf B., Giupponi C. (2006): Environmental Decision Support Systems: current issues, methods and tools. In: Environmental Decision Support Systems (Matthies M.; Ostendorf B., Giupponi C., Eds.) Environmental Modelling & Software. Special Issue, 22(2).
von Tümpling W., Rode M., Büttner O., Baborowski M., Böhme M., Gläßer C., Sonnabend B., Matthies M., Schulz M., Schanze J., Walz U., Sauer A. (2006): Entwicklung eines Schadstoffausbreitungsmodells zur stoffbezogenen Risikoanalyse und -bewertung extremer Hochwasserereignisse am Beispiel des Landkreises und der Stadt Bitterfeld. (Development of a pollutant dispersal model for a risk analysis of high water events exemplifying the town and district of Bitterfeld (Germany)): Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoffforschung 18, 129-131.
Berlekamp J., Graf N., Lautenbach S., Matthies M. (2005): A Decision Support System For Integrated River Basin Management Of The German Elbe. In Zerger A. and Argent R.M. (eds.) MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2005, 1518-1524.
Matthies M., Klasmeier J. (2005) Georeferenzierte Expositionsabschätzung. Mitteilungen GDCh-FG Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie 11(3), 57-59.
Matthies M., Scheringer M. (2005): Apropos...Ferntransport und Gesamtpersistenz. Mitteilungen der GDCh-Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie 11(3), 52-53.
Schulz M. (2005): Measuring and modelling phosphorus retention in lowland rivers. Proceedings of the Conference of the German Limnological Society (DGL) 2004 in Potsdam, 512-516.
Berlekamp J., Graf N., Hess O., Lautenbach S., Reimer S., Matthies M. (2004): Integration of MONERIS and GREAT-ER in the Decision Support System for the German Elbe River Basin. In Pahl-Wostl, C., Schmidt, S. and Jakeman, T. (eds) iEMSs 2004 International Congress: "Complexity and Integrated Resources Management". International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Osnabrueck, Germany, June 2004.
Heß O., Schröder A., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2004): Modellierung von Schadstoffflüssen in Flusseinzugsgebieten. Texte 19/04, Umweltbundesamt Berlin. ISSN 0722-186X.
Lautenbach S., Berlekamp J., Graf N., Reimer S., Matthies M. (2004): Integration von MONERIS und GREAT-ER in das Elbe-DSS. In: Interdisziplinäre Methoden des Flussgebietsmanagements (Möltgen, J., Petry, D., eds): , Workshopbeiträge 15./16. März 2004, IFGIprints , Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Geoinformatik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Band 21, 317-324.
Matthies M. (2004): Das Institut für Umweltsystemforschung. Mitteilungen der GDCh-Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie 10(4), 11.
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Meinert S., Lautenbach S., Berlekamp J., Blümling B., Pahl-Wostl C. (2003): Ein Framework zur Kopplung von Multi-Agenten-Systemen und GIS. In: Strobl, Blaschke, Griesebner (Eds.), Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung XV, Beiträge zum AGIT Symposium Salzburg 2003. Wichmann, Heidelberg, 286-291.